

During Christmas, I have both read and seen countless articles that can be summed up roughly like this: last year was a difficult year (many of course refer to the war in Ukraine, the political situation and other unrest in the world, but also on a personal level, many say).

With that fresh in mind, it is of course close at hand to wish that everything will get better, only the clock passes twelve and a new year is written on the calendar.

But how does it get "better"? We know that it doesn't happen out of a passive desire, but still we often want to believe that the new year will automatically bring new things. New and GREAT!

I think like this (and, as usual, talk a lot to myself as well!):

We can wish for lots of things to get better (better health, better finances, bigger home, etc., etc.) and we can of course influence the outcome of that wish. But (and I'll try not to sound too clichéd) we're not fundamentally fine, comfortable with who we are and listening to what we feel; so won't fulfilling all these wishes feel like life got better..?

Therefore: if you wish good, better, maybe even BEST - start by getting in tune with yourself. Do you need to do something to get in better touch with your feelings? (Tip: our emotion cards also arouse many thoughts in adults. Not instead of therapy, when needed! But to get to know yourself and your feelings a little more).

And last but certainly not least: if we wish for a more beautiful world, a kinder world or a world without war...then I think that the children are the key. If we help them along the way, support them in their emotional development, then maybe they can become adults in a world where they don't have to look for "better" (more, bigger...)

We wish you a happy new year!