"Can you draw one where I can cross!"
We started drawing the children's evening routines and morning routines on a piece of paper. The idea was to make it clearer and easier for the children to understand and participate in the routines themselves instead of nagging them. Every morning and every evening the children cross off what they have done and they keep track of what they are going to do.
We never thought it would work so well! The children wanted "something to tick off" on the wall so we created My Daily Routines. A large poster to hang on the wall (which has made everyday life much easier!)
Do I have to make the routines in the order that is on the poster?
- The routine schedule contains the elements that most families go through every morning and evening. However, families do these elements in different order. You do not need to tick in a specific order. Take the order that suits you best.
My child refuses to go through the routines. WHAT DO I DO?
- Using routine planners is a bit of a routine in itself, and some routines take time to stick. Keep crossing things off and try to make it a joint project. Help your child by showing them how it's done and being consistent. Maybe you can start drawing small characters in the boxes when you have brushed your teeth yourself? Try to lead your child in a helpful way and avoid nagging and coercion.
These routines are not ours. Can you add?
- Of course, everyone's everyday life looks different. The routines on the routine schedule are based on the most common elements that a family goes through in the morning and evening. We have left a field free in the morning, and one in the evening where you can draw in or write a routine. It is also possible to modify the different routines so they fit you.

Our routine planner contains four weeks of routines.
Every morning and evening, the child can tick off, or put a sticker on, the different steps that they will go through in the routine schedule. In the morning we brush our teeth, go to the
the toilet, eat breakfast and get dressed. In the evening we go to the toilet, brush our teeth, put on our pajamas and read a book.