Bättre än rosor?

Better than roses?

A week in the sign of love, at least according to the calendar..

Valentine's Day has passed and I wrote about rose ceremonies on Instagram. Something many of us experienced at school as children, or in our teens. I think and hope that the school knows better today but at the same time it hit me: I don't know at all how schools recognize or celebrate Valentine's Day these days. The only thing my kids have done is tinker, but maybe there are new nice traditions that have replaced the rose ceremony? That would be interesting to know! Or other traditions that have taken a new (more inclusive) form at school? What do your children celebrate at school? Feel free to comment!

Of course, love, friendship and community do not come from a date on the calendar, but as long as the date contributes to inclusion and not exclusion, we are in any case on the right track.

Another question: besides traditions - what else do your children's schools do to make the children feel included and seen (besides what they have to do by law)? There are certainly lots of nice creative examples! Comment everything you come up with!