Den bästa skolan

The best school

First of all: thank you so much for all the nice responses I got to last week's post about school! One of my biggest dreams is that children and their well-being should be given (much!) more space in society. That we should move from nice formulations to reality and start from ourselves - how do we want our days to look like? Our workplace? If the answer is: rewarding, safe, fun, interesting and that we are listened to and seen (or similar), then I don't think we should set lower demands than that on the children's days. (The fact that we do that is completely preposterous anyway..?)

If your children's days flow just as well - wonderful! But as long as there are children (and there are - many!) who don't feel that way; we (and the politicians) have a big job ahead of us. Because of course it is strange and actually scary that politicians are allowed to go against research on what makes children feel good/learn more/feel secure and confident, etc. and instead strive towards a school built on opposite thoughts..? When neither feeling, logic (for most people?) nor actual research says that tougher rules, narrower frameworks, higher requirements and the same requirements for everyone etc. lead to better school results and a more prosperous generation that grows up (rather the opposite) - but you still choose to go that way...then you're not exactly the right politician in the right place..? (Imagine if other parts of society had functioned so arbitrarily. Things that affect adults... Then there would have been life in the gap, to put it mildly..)

We know that another system is possible - they exist around the world. And as I said - we can also state that it is a big job to rebuild, for example, the school system from scratch. But that cannot be a reason not to do it. Again: all children are everyone's children. How can we be satisfied when so many children do not fit into the current system?

There are many of us who share the dream. How do you formulate your thoughts on this? What does an inclusive school look like, if you are allowed to think freely?

Right. (To start work somewhere). Do you think that our emotional cards can make a difference in the school you work in or your children attend - please let us know or order! They are already being used successfully in many businesses!