The Children's Rights Organization Dandelion Child has since 2005 been working to improve living conditions for children in Sweden with parents who have an abuse, a mental illness or who expose them to violence.
According to dandelion children, about 500,000 children and adolescents in Sweden have at least one parent who has a mental illness or abuse. Many of the children are also subjected to home violence. Source: Dandelion's website:
Tips for those who suspect a child/youth in your vicinity is feeling ill -

"The school may be even safe point with functioning adults one can trust and a place where one can eat measured. When it is removed many are left to their fate" - Dandelion child

Dare to ask and dare to ask many times.
It may be required to ask three or four times. And invite - for dinner or activities. Try to be there. Many adults think "one should not wake the bear that sleeps". But it does not sleep, these children live with this all the time. ”This says Linn Englund, who is a business developer, children's representative and curator at the organization Dandelion Children. Source:
“During the summer, the free weeks are many and it is not uncommon for these children to get even worse than during the semesters. The school can be even a safe point with functioning adults one can trust and a place where one can eat measured. When it is removed, many are left to their fate. ” - Dandelion child

What should you do if you have children who are ill in your vicinity?
The problem is found in all classes of society.
Linn from Dandelion Children says that many young people describe it as "on the outside everything looks good"
- The parent can have a working job, live in a nice house and have a good financial thing. Then you think there are no problems, that there is good. Dad might put on a suit and is very nice at work. But then there is something completely different behind closed doors. You build a facade. " says Linn.
Dare to be wrong!
We also live in financially difficult times. Of course, not having money affects families in a direct way - there may not be money for food. But financial difficulties also increase other things, such as mental illness and abuse. So the risk is that the children who already have it tough get it increasingly tougher and that more and more people are affected.
We know all this but still it is so easy to close your eyes. Or not trust their gut feeling. Maybe not dare say. And of course, maybe there is the chance that you were wrong. Or that someone else has already taken hold of the situation. But take no risks.
Just all children are entitled to a quiet and nice summer vacation and all adults are responsible for making it happen. Our appeal to you this summer: Act. It's always worth it.
If you have a hard time at home and need extra support this summer, you can contact dandelion children and get help. Dandelion children offer free help from adults who have been in the same situation as you. On Dandelion Children's website you can seek help through the chat. Dandelion's help here.
For support in conversations with children, take help of our emotional cards HERE